Week 15: Wikipedia Trails: Mahabharata to Kali

 Wikipedia Trails


Mahabharata is also one of the longest poems ever written which I did not know. 

It is a major Sanskrit epic of india and I wanted to know a little bit more about it since I did one of my stories that included him.


Involved in a love story and was the daughter of Bhima. My curiosity lead to Damayanti because I do remember reading her name in some stories but wanted to know more about her.


Nala is a king and I wanted to know a little bit more about him because he seemed interesting to learn about. He actually married Damayanti who I was previously curious about.


I wanted to know about Kali because she is the demon that possessed Nala. She is also the reigning lord of the Kali Yuga.

Tales from Mahabharata: Damayanti's swayamvara - Katha Kids



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