Week 8 Reading and Writing

 I feel like the reading and writing assignments are going pretty well for me and I have been able to put some interesting spins on my stories I have been writing. I am pretty happy with how my portfolio and website has turned out. I feel like I have found the writing style for the different stories I have made really work with what I am overall trying to do. I enjoy writing in a sort of interview/radio style setting in my stories to get different perspectives about the various stories. Making reading notes before making my stories really do help because I am able to get all the main information and make a general outline of what I want to do with my story.

I picked this picture because it is of the last story I came up with and I really enjoyed making a talk show radio type of story about Arjuna. This was a big character and fun to write about.

Looking forward, I hope to continue reading these stories and using them as different interviews or radio talk shows. 


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