Reading Notes: Mahabharata



King Shantanu- was pious and all powerful and just

Ganga- wife to king shantanu and was beautiful and named after Ganges River

They had children and Ganga would kill them all, enraging king shantanu

She finally gave him a son to be king and vanished

Devavrata- son of King Shantanu

Satyavati- fair maiden who helped travelers across a river

King Shantanu fell in love with Satyavati but was unable to marry her unless he gave up his son's birthright to the throne

Chitrangada- son of Shantanu who became king

Vichitriviyra- son of Shantanu who took over as king from Chitrangada

Amba- eldest of the three princesses

King Pandu- mighty monarch renowned as a warrior

Drona- brave and god adoring son Bharadwaja

Drona got his revenge and took possession of half a kingdom

Duryodhana planned to set fire to the Pandavas while they slept


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