Week #3 Story: Ramayana



Reporter: This just in, we have inside information from someone who has been overseeing the past events that have lead to a lot of destruction over the years. I have word that we will be able to hear from the god himself, Brahma. Brahma, what started all of this ruckus?

Brahma: It all started when a boy called Ravana was born. When he grew up, he petitioned to me to be invincible. I agreed to give him immortal nectar except to humans. Ravana then grew up and met a person named Shiva who he found interest in and became a follower. Ravana had a son with Mandodari and named him Meghanada. This is when things began to get a little unpleasant.

Reporter: What happened after Ravana had the new son to make things worse?

Brahma: The son made himself invisible in one of his battles and captured Indra, king of the Devas. I ordered him to let the king go in exchange for a granted wish. The son asked for immortality but I refused to grant him that. Instead, I granted him with invincible weapons. After this, Ravana went on a rampage and began striking fear in everyone. He went and defeated Yama, god of death. The, Ravana killed another king, Marutta and all his priests.

Reporter: Did anyone try and stop Ravana?

Brahma: Yes, Kubera attempted to send a messenger to tell Ravana to stop all these attacks, but this only enraged Ravana more and he cut the head off the messenger. Ravana then marched to Kubera's home and defeated him as well. Sadly, we haven't touched on one of the worst things he has done.

Reporter: What might be that be?

Brahma: He found a beautiful woman named Rambha in the woods and couldn't control himself and raped her. From then on, he became even more monstrous and continued to slay king and anyone who stood in his way. Ravana needs to be stopped at all costs.

Reporter: Well you heard it live here folks, be on the look out for a dangerous Ravana. Stay clear and call the authorities if you spot him for he can be very harmful.

Author's Note: I decided to take the beginning pages of the stories of Ravana and keep the originality but turn these stories into an interview with the god Brahma who granted Ravana his wishes which turned him into the monster he is now. All the events happened as in the original story but are just told from an interview setting. 


  1. Interesting take on this story. I like how you added your own twist. This is a very creative way of retelling this story. I liked the dialogue you included in your version of the story. I like how you turned the beginning of the story into an interview. Very unique! I really liked it!!

  2. Hi Dalton! This is the first interview-style story I have read this semester, and it reminds me of my Storybook from when I took the mythology and folklore class (I wrote a survival TV show-style version of Odysseus, so I had him narrating to the camera what was going on). This could be a cool idea for your Storybook this semester!


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